$14.95 a Bunch


In the supermarkets this time of year, you can buy sprigs of Winterberry Holly with their naturally red berries that turn color in the Fall and remain colorful through the winter.  They grow wild around the area usually near ponds.  I have been photographing them along with other flora and fauna of the season for the past couple of weeks.

Most of my photos have been in focus.  I’ll post one soon so you can see once and for all that I do have lenses that focus.  But, this one this morning, is obviously not anywhere near in focus.

But, it is nonetheless a Winterberry Holly bush near some water in the industrial park behind my house just after dawn.  It was snowing very lightly.  Like a shot I took several months ago of a maple tree, my arm jiggled and the resulting image captured me more than those in focus.

Is there a niche market for out of focus photographs?  Let me buy a kiosk and put it on wheels and I’ll whistle down the streets of this market as we clatter along.

I’ll sell them for $14.95 a piece.

(**I don’t like the color this template chose for this photograph.  It should have been gray.  But, they don’t ask for my input and most of the time the template does a nice job, so I’ll just gripe a little.)

©Pat Coakley 2008


3 Replies to “$14.95 a Bunch”

  1. I like out of focus things, too. Sometimes they seem more real to me than the really sharp and focused “postcard” pictures.

  2. At least you warned me ahead of time that this was out of focus… you know how I get when I can’t “sse” what is in your photographs !!!!! I bet it would be lovely if we were seeing the “focused” berries… they look plentiful and brilliant in the foggy blurr. (I would love to put an emoticon here but I know you would go balistic)

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