A Path to Follow

This week I am still looking down but all in the cause of those just beginning life, kindergarten, and those going to their first visit to the “iberry” with Pappy.

I have already had one auto meltdown, I mean smackdown, with a new car seat for a patient three old who looked up at me with limpid worried eyes and said softly, “Pappy, are you ever going to get me out of here?”

The clasp on a car seat had decided not to release under any circumstances, alright?  I can see you rolling your eyes.  What’s so hard about THAT?

I had to act as If I knew what I was doing.  The five year old was outside the car saying, “Is this going to take 40 years?”

I finally had to take off the 3 year old’s shoes, and shimmy her out, out one leg at a time.  And then curse the biggest Pappy curse allowed with young ears around.

©Pat Coakley


10 Replies to “A Path to Follow”

  1. I see little ones following in the footsteps of their influential pappy. Bright questions, fearless, pointed, direct. Maybe they’ve taught us to be less edited, more incisive, no?

    It’s no easy deal to travel with wee ones. It’s tough enough to take two dogs to the vet at the same time.

    Love this photo, Pat. The multi color imprints of the path of humanity.

    The pappy curse, reminds me of an early experience where at 5 years old, I told my parents that I knew how to drive.
    They asked me why I thought I could.
    I said , I knew all the words……

    I think my father was cautious after that when someone cut him off.

  2. You did what any self respecting Pappy would do! You got her out of the seat – one way or another! I suppose they make those things so confusing and difficult to keep us adults from feeling too smart. It certainly has nothing to do with keeping the kiddos tied down, as any parent knows. Some kids are freaking Houdini’s!

    Tis a good Pappy to take the young-uns to the “iberry” tho! Nothing like a grand introduction to a place that lets you experience books in ways you could never imagine!

  3. Pat, I think I speak for many of your readers when I say that we love you.
    Every time you post, you make us think twice about the stuff that seems ordinary to most people. You bring us so much. Thank you.

  4. Awww Pappy with a big gold star. It happens to even the best mother’s in the world I can tell you. Seriously. *Big huge hug* I admire how present you are in those children’s lives. Someday they will so appreciate having you there for them and all that you do.

    I know I appreciate reading your thoughts and energy on your blog each day.. your beauty and wisdom of your blog.

  5. Hey…I have been there. Those car seats can be so frustrating. Just wanted to tell you that I am over at blogger now. I had one too many blogs so my wordpress site had to go. Oh and this is meander by the way.

  6. Oh boy I am not the only one! Except erm I kind of knocked a child of a friend’s head on the cars door frame on the way out I was so flustered. So, not only was she ripped from her car seat in an unconventional way but also ended up with this massive alien cone head on her forehead. She was 2 (I blame the car seat manufacturer naturally and refuse to admit that my friend was able to undo the clasp in one flick of a measly finger nooo)
    No, the child has never been the same since but strangely enough loves me poor thing!

  7. Although I have not responded in several days, I read all these in between duties and paints and markers and car seats and hugs around the knees. Is there a better hug in all the world than little arms around one’s knees?? Perhaps another single for a reason??

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