End of Summer

Oh, because it’s a series, that’s why.

Mt. Brooks with the avatar of a man without his shirt on is an occasional visitor here.  Sometimes I go to his site that has the word “rowboat” (ahem, I’m thirty years older, OK? ) in it and he is flying from here to there and showing pictures of his luxury or not so luxury hotels he stays in.  Since I’m practically a shut-in these days, I like traveling while sitting on my couch and reading how he deals with the rude stewardesses and the challenge of middle seats.

He’s involved with some sort of weekly photo series and the first assignment was “End of Summer”.  The one for next week is “Rain”.  So, here’s my entry for the first week and next week.  The last week was “glass” so   I’ll give you this because it combines Rain and Glass(windshield), two of my favorite things.  Here’s the thing, I’m not even sure he wants other people to submit photos.

But, if he does, then, I think I’m up to date!

Paul Newman died.

I sat next to his table once at a restaurant in San Francisco known for its brunch and some type of gin drink that was frothy.  I tried to pretend I was not staring.   I was with a group of friends who liked to drink and who pointed out to him that I was staring.  When he left and I finally went to the ladies room, I looked in the mirror and realized my friends had neglected to tell me that I was staring at Paul Newman with three layers of froth on my upper lip.

I don’t see these friends any more.

©Pat Coakley 2008

Photographs cannot be used without written permission

8 Replies to “End of Summer”

  1. I absolutely want to see more participation…and I now expect a brand-spanking-new photo of water on Wednesday afternoon. That’s the only rule – has to be a new shot. The original intent was to get me to carry the camera around more often, take more pictures, and exercise the creative demons that lurk in my being.

    My next trip is Cincinnati….so, hold on to your hat.

  2. Amber, grow up with another nervous system and it’ll be a breeZe being me.
    Mt. Brooks, slave driver. But, it just happened to rain for two days straight just stopping tonight so this request won’t be a problem. Cincinnati? Hmm….I heard they have a great art museum which would be my first stop!
    SF: I rethought this and, in fact, one of the attendees I am still friends with and several others have died. Yikes.
    Nava: it is my own fault. No one was coercing me to have three of those things. I forget what they are called but they were tasty, tangy and totally lethal.
    Chris, well, participant number four, it is! No need to gussy up our names. Do we get voted off the show?

  3. Fantastic photo of tomatoes. They look good enough to eat! Ummm… guess that’s what you do though. Anyway,

    Paul Newman’s passing seems like the end of an era. He will be missed.

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