Golf Cheers

Golf cheers have to be the worst. Having cheerleaders in fake tiger fur short skirts and bustiers waving pom poms and yelling “Give me a T-I-G-E-R” on the sidelines of a major golf tournament would not be any more ridiculous than the chant that emanates from the gallery directly following any tee shot made by the leaders in a PGA tournament. In fact, any shot. “IN THE HOLE!!”

I watched entirely too much golf on Father’s Day from Torrey Pines California ( I used to watch with my Dad so just be quiet out there) and during a short walk outside during the broadcast, I saw an ant hill. It had a hole in it. Ants were scurrying around the hole. I couldn’t control myself. I yelled.

“In the hole! In the hole!”

Do you see any ants in this photograph? No siree. It works.

As I said, it’s the most ridiculous cheer in the history of sport. I’m going to yell it on other occasions all week and watch people’s reactions. Stay tuned.

PS. I want a Rocco Mediate Bobble Doll.

@Pat Coakley 2008


8 Replies to “Golf Cheers”

  1. OK bff…. we are four states away from each other and I you must have heard me complaining about the “In the hole” screams !!! Roco Mediate just rocks…. it makes it much more fun to watch a sport when you know the guy is having a ball! Personally I miss the John 3:16 guy (with the rainbow wig) that used to show up at each golf tourney… he was much more interesting than the stupid bastards that have to yell “In the hole” at each stroke.

  2. Or there’s the always popular, “Bite!”

    And my own personal favorite, “Get in the F*%$ing hole you G&^!damn ball!”

    Never worked . . .

  3. There are a lot of “sports” I never got into watching; golf is at the top of the list. But I can’t throw stones as I have been known to get into a good curling bonspiel on TV :)

  4. lmao golf??? phew ok, golf and I don’t really see eye to eye (what’s new!), quite literally sometimes. I can never seem to hit the ball and tend to follow through with the club to the point that it hits me hard in the head. It is one of the many reasons I am so loopy, golf stole my braincells!

    Now off to go try out this neat trick with the ants in my garden – I suspect the African ants aren’t as obedient though!

  5. I look forward to hearing about the consequences of your impromptu cheers. Something tells me you could get in trouble… Probably not as much trouble as shouting Monsieur Tysdaddy’s favorite, but still…
    Da book arrived yesterday. She got me, first page, at: “Then – out of the blue – man arrives with a hankering for a Dodo sandwich and Poof! By 1681 – Extinct. No more Dodo.”
    Pat, you are my hero forever!!!

  6. I think it was Mark Twain…

    “Golf is a nice walk in the country, ruined by a small white ball.”

    Or something along those lines. Unless the corse involves a mechanical whale, a pirate ship and a windmill, I’m not playing.

    Turkish Prawn

    BTW, Short Stack loves ants. He names them. Individually.

  7. I’m with you Turkish. Haven’t set foot on a golf course for thirty years, the time of my first lesson, where I reached back and gave it all I had and sent a piece of sod in a 45 degree angle into the pro’s face. The ball just jiggled a bit on the tee and then dropped down next to it.
    Nathaliewithh…oh, Maira is our inspiration now. She makes you feel like you can do this too, doesn’t she? And, you know, what? We can. But, we’ll use our cameras instead!!
    Sanity, african ants? I’m not even like thinking about them, never mind ordering them around.
    Planetross, now, I knew someone and I do mean some “one” must be watching curling. It’s you! Only you, hilarious you.
    Oh, tysdaddy, I think I’m going to try your cheer, just once! That I can relate to actually!
    Now, HJ, careful now. Your hubby works for a golf club. I suspect there are some “bastards” there, no?

  8. The quote that is often attributed to Mark Twain (some say incorrectly) is that “Golf is a good walk spoiled.”


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