
The only thing better than the Anish Kapoor exhibit I saw less than a week ago at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston (I wrote about it in two parts, Part One, Part Two) was taking two sisters, ages 10 and 5, to the Anish Kapoor exhibit at the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston a week later.

We ate at the Barking Crab restaurant (the health department had reopened it!) and they both tried my fish (this is exotic food to this crowd) and one offered me her broccoli cupped in her hand across the table. Anything green is not allowed on the plate. Plus, “It looks like a brain, Pappy.” Can’t argue with you there, little one. I took the pieces of broccoli one at a time until the transfer was complete.

When her chicken arrived, it was on a skewer and she looked horrified, as if it were broccoli on a stick. Her older sister seated next to her did not miss a beat. Knew exactly what to do.

“Here, let’s just take it off this stick, first,” she said as she unskewered four sticks. She then tried a piece herself pronounced it, “delicious” and pretty soon “little one” tried a piece, too. About half way through the lunch, she also made this announcement in a loud voice. “This chicken is beautiFULL.”

I don’t know about you, but before crispy, tender, or flavorful, I like my chicken to be beautiful.

©Pat Coakley 2008


6 Replies to “Sisters”

  1. You’re the best Pappy ever!

    We tried the skewer thing once. I grilled some Vietnamese meatballs for an Asian Folklore class project. Eating off a stick? The kids just didn’t get it . . .

  2. Yo pappy, the grand kids are beautiful but I’m sorry you had to eat their broccoli (it has to suck being the only adult around sometimes – having to act responsibly and all that – not being able to share with them that your diet has consisted mainly of seven-vitamin-pop-tarts for the last few days, etc.) Was the broc as beautiful as the chicken?
    I don’t think my pappy would have ever brought me to a restaurant closed by the Health Department. You are very progressive… but still alive. Woohoo!!!

  3. How beautiful is this post! The children are beautiful, but it is the way in which you write about them which makes me really smile. I can almost see you smile as you type out the words on your computer screen and post the picture. What a lovely memory for you. Definately times to cherish after they grow up so darn fast!

  4. awwww…..what a sweet pic. what a sweeter story! I wish I had a sister growing up, but God blessed me with 3 daughters.


  5. Ah! What beautiful children! Kids are much more beautiful than chicken, any day. I suppose I’d rather eat a chicken, though broccoli tops them both in the culinary arena.

    There is a golden age between five and ten years old where the older child will act so incredibly supportive and selfless toward the younger. Not long after that it morphs into teenage selfabsorption. Hold on to the beauty while it lasts!

  6. You knows I am not going to be soppy but dang you have incredibly beautiful memories filled with heart, soul and hilarious times! Love the way you write about these special times, it warms the insides!

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