Soccer Saturday

I hate soccer.  There.  I’ve said it.

But, nonetheless, this is Soccer Saturday because three human beings I love play it.

The five year old’s game is at 11.

The 11 year old’s game is at 1.

The eight year old’s game is at 2:30.

I am going to try NOT to look like a rumpled ol’ coot when I arrive with my camera.

Because that is how I usually look when it’s not Soccer Saturday.

BUT, I don’t care how it looks, I’m buying snacks to fill my pockets.  11AM -3:30PM of soccer requires salty crunchy snacks no matter how much you love one of the players.


Oh, relax.  It’s just a game.  They are five years old.

Ok.  I’ve got to work on the ol’coot thing before 11.

©Pat Coakley 2008


6 Replies to “Soccer Saturday”

  1. Not an easy task on some days. With luck though, you’ll just have to tolerate a less-than-thrilling activity, rather than rain, wind, and cold, icy stares from teammates parents who disapprove of your choices in life.

  2. You know what they say about winning and losing; that winning isn’t everything. Try explaining that to a 5 year old! or and 8 year old, or an 11 year old for that matter. I hope they didn’t find need to cry and that they left the field intact and happy. Yes, Pappy, I can sympathise with how Soccer Saturdays might be a trial, but for the kids the main thing is their beloved supporters are there, so hats off to you, and nice shot of the goal. Great, really! Once again, it’s a whole new perspective. PS what were your salty snacks? Please share…

  3. I could stand on the sidelines and watch soccer/football for hours. It doesn’t matter how old the players are or at what level; just standing around enjoying the game.

    note: it’s goal, not score: unless you are in South America and then it’s GOOOOOAAAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!!

  4. LOL your pride shows through your dis-love of soccer and seriarsely what is soccer without snacks??? I am in love with this photo and the different dimensions, in love!

  5. Twobuyfour, ahoy, there! Nice to hear from you. Could you explain a bit more about the “icy” stares? I think I get it but not 100% sure!

    Epic, No, I deserve no awards for going. I get photographs I like, that the kids like, but I am not able to throw off the “ol’coot’ persona. I only go once or twice in the season. In the future, I’m only doing one game at a time, however.

    PR: Who knew? You’re a soccer mom. God Bless.

    Sanity, I’m working on a photo assignment with the theme of “absence” (isn’t that a great theme? You should join us. Do it by Wednesday then go to and say you are joining SPCC with “absence” photo. Then give the secret handshake. Just kidding. So, I am collecting shots this week along that theme. The local soccer field was the spot early yesterday morning.

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