My Top Secret Fertilizer for Carrots


My top secret fertilizer for carrots is (drum roll) creativity. First get a bunch of “rainbow” carrots grown by a local Mennonite farm. Second, buy some allium (ornamental onions) at your local grocery store, in my case a Super Stop and Shop.  Third, leave the carrots out on the counter and put the flowers in a vase.  Every time you come in the kitchen (which is often because this is a “food is entertainment” day and grazing is not just for cows), you pass by them. Suddenly, you simply know what you are going to do and you do it. You turn your scanner on and creativity does what “Miracle Grow” cannot.

One Reply to “My Top Secret Fertilizer for Carrots”

  1. gorgeous! Food for Thought !!! Who said food is not for entertainment? ! This changes my view of how to deal with the grazing or at least gives me a chance to think more Creatively about it. Pat you really have a gift. They look like ballerinas dancing.

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