New Day (The Series)

Oh, yeah.

Another series.  This one is ongoing.

A New Day.

Photographs without manipulation. (I’m talking to myself mostly on this one)  Days as they are given us.

I end the week with nature, straight up, peak color, tomorrow it will be ever so slightly less brilliant.

But, not us, we’ll just keep getting better and better.  No fades for us.  If creativity was a stock, I’d buy it.  Yes, even in today’s market.  The candle that simply won’t blow out.

As I said, it’s “A New Day” and we begin each day, again.

Let’s begin together, shall we?

Show me something from your day.   No tricks.   Just light and eye.

It is enough.

©Pat Coakley 2008


10 Replies to “New Day (The Series)”

  1. Dang… makes my little try this morning (which I posted for you) look quite pathetic Pat… thats absolutely outstanding! I love this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Amber get onto the company to deliver your dang camera then we start you on lots of photographic projects (Pat don’t think she will sleep at all once she has it… not that an insomniac sleeps much anyways!)

    I love this image for the fact that you didn’t still the water, it is just as the eye beholds, true natural beauty. Here it is summer, already our grass is having a funeral and the birds are waking me up at the crack of doom (5am… do you have a slingshot???)

    I need to put this week away in a box and go out with the camera and be happy snapper – creativity lifts us doesn’t it?

  3. Weirdly enough, I have been considering a “picture” post for a couple days. Most of my posts feature pictures others have taken. So this is timely . . . we’ll see how it goes.

  4. Amber, I left a few tips for sunsets and sunrises on your blog, but don’t expect miracles. It takes some time to get it right BUT when you do, you feel like Alfred Eisenstadt.

    Sanity, I am laughing. I am powerful but not powerful enough to “still the water”!! Yes, absolutely, creativity endures turbulence and, in fact, helps us ride it out.

    Tysdaddy, Yes! I think a picture post from you is way overdue!! Have your daughter give you some pointers!!

  5. Now wouldn’t it be great if we could just be Moses reincarnate and just divide the water and walk on through all the bleep… ah to be Moses guess we’ll have to keep the boats for now and hang on to our paddles, mines stuck together with duct tape, hows yours holding up?

  6. Pat, thanks for the tips. I should have stated, that not only was I using a truly terrible 6 year old digital camera with zero options on it, but I was shooting through a screen too. It made the picture look blurry. :(

    But someone kept nagging and nagging so I took it. :) Im gonna try and find out what happened to my camera. Im so bummed that I don’t have it yet.

  7. Very beautiful!! Looks a bit like Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio where I’ve been for the past few days. Gorgeous photo! Brava!

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