Reach/Grasp: The R/G factor in Creativity




Where ever I go in Massachusetts, there is road work.  It also seems like every day this week, and every week before, there’s been a story in the news of the perils of simply just being a student at a school.

Yesterday, the combination of downpours and road work became an opportunity to make some images about both.  I am learning more about texturing my photos and had recently been bogged down by all the “stuff” and how to access it. Not a happy girl.

In the morning,  I had watched a video tutorial from Mark Johnson about an Adobe Exchange creative app by Russell Preston Brown using FlyPaper textures and that has made experimenting and learning textures, with some recently purchased sky textures from Dirk Wurstenhagen , a joy and swear-free.  No easy feat.

Prior to this tutorial about this app, the sounds coming from my room were not family friendly.

Creativity is the best health plan except if your reach exceeds your grasp.  These fellows are helping to bring my R/G factor into a more felicitous range.