Adult Entertainment

Damnation–The one recession proof industry and this town doesn’t  want it.  I guess I’m not going to recoup my 401K dollars with this particular retirement gig after all.  (Oh, if my niece reads this, she’ll spit out her morning tea)

But, I do like how their mailbox flag’s color matches their sign, don’t you?

What do you bet my blog statistics reach an all time high with an entry titled, “Adult Entertainment”?

Won’t they be disappointed?

But, not tomorrow, people.  No disappointments allowed TOMORROW.

Excuse me while I go back to nail chewing.

©Pat Coakley 2008


10 Replies to “Adult Entertainment”

  1. My town doesn’t have any adult entertainment either. Nor do they have any juvenile entertainment. In fact, my town is very dull and not entertaining at all.

  2. I’m espousing my favorite palindromic pharmaceutical: XanaX.
    I measure it out, only for flying, which I hate, family crises such as life threatening illness or death, and THIS election.

    I can hardly stand it another minute and we can’t even vote in the presidential election!!!!!

    It’s getting harder and harder to find really entertaining adults.
    Mostly here, on this blog, I think!

  3. S.Le, But you do have political candidates calling you every second, don’t you? Now, I hesitate to call that entertainment, but at least the phone is ringing! No body is calling us in Massachusetts! Although I did get a robotic call the other day from Fred Thompson on behalf of the candidate running against John Kerry. I could not tell you his name.

    BL, Like you, I used to employ Xanax for flying. A couple of weeks after 9/11, I had to fly and brought the bottle not just a few pills. Figuring that I’d probably need a IV drip. Do you know what happened? After passing the big State Troopers and National Guardsman with rifles, I realized I wasn’t feeling the usual pre-flight jitters. So, I said, well, I’ll wait to take the pill till I get on the plane…I never took it. The fear was gone. I’ve never taken another one. Go figure that one!!

    I’m going to take some photographs while waiting in line tomorrow so you’ll have the experience of voting by about mid-day. I get a lump in my throat thinking about this day and what it means. Never in my lifetime have I felt this way.

    The stories in the paper of folks down south lining up to vote ahead of time in the past week, some waiting 4-8 hours, just to make sure their vote counts, afraid to wait to vote on Tuesday for fear of someone telling them they don’t have what is necessary to vote and turning them away….

    The Times..THE Times…they are ‘a changin, bonniegirl. Don’t worry. Even I am feeling confident now without aides or flights of fancy.

  4. What really saddens me is that there is a market for “adult entertainment”. Surely if we were better adjusted as a society, we wouldn’t want it.

    I remember once voting in here in Australia in the state of Queensland, which is similar to your deep south but not as religious. Back in the mid 1980s QLD was governed by the very corrupt and fascist Joh Bjelke-Petersen (may he rot) of the National Party.

    I remember turning around and looking at the voters waiting in line dehind me and thinking to myself how backward they looked. The guy standing behind me had greasy dirty hair combed over his bald spot, greasy, paint splattered glasses held together in the middle with a band-aid. He looked like a totally clueless and he was holding a National Party “how to vote” card and I thought to myself, “so this is the sort of person who votes for Joh”.

  5. Oh! I forgot to say what happened when I went to vote. The so-called official standing (a huge thug) near the ballot box snatched my vote from my hand, looked at it, screwed it up and threw it in the wastepaper basket nearby.

    If it wasn’t for the fact that I attended art college at night while I was there, I’d consider the 5 years I spent in Brisbane, back then, to wasted years.

    Voting is so importatnat that I can’t for the life of me, understand why so many don’t value it. There are people all around the world, dying for the right to vote every day.

  6. By the spelling of this, Nkgee, I can see it must have been a cloudy day, you goof.
    Razz: If you lived through this primary and election season in the US you would have seen folks with designer clothes and perfect hygiene and 500 dollar glasses about as clueless as your “Joh” voter.

    But, your voting experience! I so understand with experiences like that why it mystifies others why voting turnout in US is not very high. This election, however, may be the exception.

  7. Yep! We live in interesting times. Well you’ve got your election now, so all I can say is, “vote early and vote often!”

    All joking aside, I hope for your sake that Mc Cain doesn’t get in. It’s not that he worries that much, it’s Palin that scares me. She’d be a disaster if Mc Cain died in office….. for everybody in the whole world.

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