Nostalgia, 2014.

2014 Nostalgia Look
2014 Nostalgia Look


My parents went on a European honeymoon in April, 1939.  On the edge of war, their album is 100% peaceful.   I have had the large scrapbook for years but the older I get the more valuable these photos are to me.  I decided to look at them through 2014 digital techniques but beneath the textures and digital bells and whistles are my Dad’s great photographs (taken with a Leica) and my mother’s captions in her handwriting.  Timeless.

These are just three of many photographs I am filtering through my heart first and digital skills second.  I can still see my father’s face as he talked about the French Liner, “Normandie”.  It went from being the most spectacular and luxurious ship of its time to being fitted to be a troop carrier  in WWII when it caught fire at its pier in New York.  It capsized, literally rolled over at the pier, from the amount of water the fire tugboats had sprayed in to try and put the fire out.  It’s a news photograph I won’t be filtering through my new nostalgia skill set.

PS. Although I have many photo textures that I’ve paid for, these textures were available for a free download by ShadowHouse Creations.  Check out his blog and admire his artistry and generosity.