Thorny Twilight


The day qualified as miserable.  Leaden skies, sleet, fog.  It looked like it was twilight all day long.

And, then, when it actually was twilight, I stopped at the library and pulled into a parking spot in front of an enormous thorny bush.  Seriously, I’ve parked at this spot a million times in all seasons and had never noticed this lethal looking plant.

What does it look like in spring?  I have no recollection.  On a night, deep in December, when two winter storms are forecast for the weekend, I am going to try to remember what April looks like.

©Pat Coakley 2008


11 Replies to “Thorny Twilight”

    1. Symbology applied to my work makes me laugh. Emoticons do not. But, it’s been awhile since I’ve done by riff so some new folks may not know about my deep irrational but abiding distaste for those smiley things!

  1. Manual mode, Amber. Manual Mode. You’ll screw up in the beginning but gradually it pays off!

    Conni, A girl can hope alright but I’m a thinkin’ that thorns aren’t gonna do the trick this time. Since the forecast is for 12 inches of snow!!

  2. Turkish, everything gets tweaked because that is the nature of digital capture. However, this is what my eye saw. Whether it’s what your eye would have seen, now that is a different question.

  3. CheyAnne, Welcome! I am so intrigued to see what is hiding under there, too. I can’t believe I’ve never noticed. But, then, this is what I said about so many things since I began going out every day to do my national geographic within a 3 miles radius. Appreciate you leaving a comment!

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