

Just for the record.

Wild Turkeys strut like royalty but don’t look at the photographer.

But, they still creep me out.

©Pat Coakley 2009

Photographs cannot be used without written permission

Another recent photo with an animal in it that creeped me out can be seen HERE.   But some of the comments on the blog made me rethink  it.  Maybe I was creeping the animal out rather the other way around?

10 Replies to “Complications”

  1. Yes, turkeys — especially farm raised turkeys — seem to be truly brainless, and not very cuddly. On the other hand, wild turkeys were quite rare for a while, but now seem to be making a comeback, so maybe they are smarter than we think? They can get quite big. I once had one strut out from some brush right in front of me while walking a deserted path in the Wisconsin woods. Scared the daylights out of me…
    By the way, that bright spot in the center cloud almost looks like a sunDOG gazing down on this scene. The animal spirits are everywhere!

  2. I love turkey roasted evin if they are rather brainless. The farm my father-in-law lives on has turkeys & if you talk to them they always gobble all together back at you.

  3. My dad has a friend who raises turkeys. We were visiting one time and one got loose. Nothing is funnier than watching your fifteen year old son run around the barnyard yelling, “Here turkey-turkey-turkey!” It was quite a chase . . .

  4. oh they may be creepy but i’d still like to see them, i’ve never seen a real wild turkey, but i always think of the native tribes and the 1st thanksgiving.
    they look very organic or something patternwise. as to the brain capacity i guess it depends, i mean they have what it takes to be surviving wild turkeys right? but i mean if we compare levels of animal intelligence, a key criteria would be how well adapted to survival and perhaps only among humans an IQ number would figure in.

  5. Now, I left a whole big comment yesterday and lo and behold, it’s gone!!

    Tipota, you are right, of course. But, c’mon, IQ aside, they are just a little bit freaky, no? Maybe, if they just didn’t suddenly appear like out of nowhere? OK. OK. I’ve got to think bigger, deeper. Oh, but I’m so tired of trying to do that every day. Sigh.

    Brian, never did I think there were so many turkey stories ready to be told!

    Don, SunDOG spirits? O, Jesus. Another dog staring at me?

    Tony, if nothing else, and I love roast turkey, too—the word “gobble” is a great one.

    Razz, no roast turkey for you? Man, it’s the only dinner I can make every time that tastes good! We’re going out if you ever visit! Or, better yet! You can cook!

    Renee, I have seen more of these turkeys in the last three years than in my previous 60+.

  6. Now these ARE some animals to get skiddish about. Not only are they stupid but they are mean. Do you remember the winter they terrorized the small children of Holliston, MA as they tried to wait for the bus every morning? Nasty and unattractive – not a good combination !!! It was something that would have been good material for a Stephen King novel.

  7. I love the contrast of the sky in this picture…

    If you think turkeys are dumb…pheasants… well… they are completely retarded. I have seen them fly into trees – George of the Jungle style!

  8. Ambergirl, that’s hilarious…flying into trees, George of the Jungle style!!

    HJ, I had forgotten that story but I totally sense their meaness as they strut on by. When I come out on the porch they look positively indignant!

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