Returning to Perch


I took Don’s advice and flew around the neighborhood and then came back to perch in my tree.  I am there on the upper right clump of branches.  See me?

As Epic would say, I’m looking a bit squidgy. (Better word than pudgy, don’t you think?)

While flying over Route 495  I thought about Bonnie’s words from Thoreau about the necessity of owls: ” stark twilight, unsatisfied thoughts”.

So, for now, I have flown back to the same dead tree and, instead of blue sky, I bring my blind spot.

This is what it sees today.

If you are very, very quiet, you can hear what a blind spot sounds like.  Shhh.

“Hoot.  Hoot”

Yep, it’s a multi-media blog here at singleforareason.

©Pat Coakley 2009


4 Replies to “Returning to Perch”

  1. Lovely photo.

    I use the word squidgy all the time. Sounds MUCH better than pudgy, plump, overweight, plus sized, or fat.

  2. This image is so stunning! I try not to look at your newest images until they fully upload, in order not to ” preview ” your artistic view.
    And although the fissured crack leading up to that mighty dead tree was prominent, the first thing I looked for was that bird in the tree.

    And there you are.

    This is a gorgeous photo.

  3. i agree with s.Le and Bonnie, beautiful photograph – looks like a hoot in the tree & your words like branches, but alive they be, a riddle a rhyme a thing of Be you-tee. wonderful, thoughtful and fun, thank thee

  4. S. Le: Thanks and I’m going to be using this word all the time from now on!

    And, there I am. Kind soul that you even looked for me there!

    Tipota, words like branches, a riddle of rhyme, a thing of Be you-tee. Oh, you simply make me smile. A grateful smile.

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