The Eggorcist


Oh, sometimes the idea surpasses the image, OK?

My almost nine year old grand nephew called me the other day to ask for help on his “egg” project.

Ok.  What’s your idea?  (I’ve learned to go with his ideas but I was a slow learner.  “How about a Dinosaur made of autumn leaves?” I asked him several years back. “Ah, no, Pappy, we’re not doing that.)

“I want a bunch of eggs with horrified faces to be sitting in a movie theatre and watching an egg get boiled.”

No cute little Easter chickies for this boy.  But, still.  This is a genius idea, don’t you think?

We boiled a dozen eggs.  I found plastic eggs with facial expressions for 2 bucks at the grocery store.  Voila!  This is the movie screen that sits in front of an egg container with each seat filled with a plastic or real egg hard boiled eggs painted to  look terrified.

His mother named it, “The Eggorcist”.

The kid slays me.  Wouldn’t have thought of this in a million years and yet have laughed for three straight days just thinking about it.

He brings it in on Thursday.  Fingers crossed the eggs don’t smell by then.

©Pat Coakley 2009


6 Replies to “The Eggorcist”

  1. I always find it interesting how little kids like gruesome things and ideas.

    I’ presuming that as a psychologist, you must find it a relief that he can empathize with an egg. A good sign that he probably won’t grow up to be a sociopath.

  2. I agree, Tipota. What a mind to think of this!

    Charlotte Mary, Am glad it made your day. I’ve been smiling for two days.

    Razz, do you know I never even thought of the empathy element! Guess I’ve been away from the day to day of psychology for too long! But, you are absolutely right, of course.

  3. Very much in the spirit of Easter, yes? Especially the part about empathizing with an egg, razzbuffnik — even if he does want to boil the little bugger.

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