12 Replies to “Signs of Life”

  1. The weather slides like everything else.

    note: I can’t believe I’m the first to comment on one of your entries. woo hoo!

  2. Looking at this again, the perspective is extraordinary! That is either the world’s smallest play set, or you’ve doctored the parking spaces . . .

  3. Brian, no doctoring with perspective at all. In fact, that playground apparatus is rather large! It’s a wide angle lens which may account for the perspective being slightly altered, though.

    1. Yes, Don…again with the tree…I had to check to see if it really was alive. The weather that came was windy, cool and intermittent high gusts.

  4. For me this image speaks of hope. A leafless tree that is starting to bud under a menacing sky seems almost optimistically defiant.

    1. Now, Razz…I like your take on this image far better than mine which characteristically was little too wedged in the foreboding.

  5. You have made me fall in love with that tree. I love the clouds too. Was that Tuesday? I know we don’t live very close but they look like my Tuesday clouds.

    1. Hey, Dave! I’ve been using your tutorial on reducing noise religiously so I now even remember all the damn steps! I’m looking forward to part three when you have the time. Still haven’t sent any more samples to ISTOCK, though. I’m “ascared” to!

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