11 Replies to “At Last”

  1. First thing that crossed my mind was “wow! look at that big road!”… Great photo, and we don’t need to worry about you driving and shooting unlless, of course, you’d put the car on autopilot. And the colors of the sky; it’s that October light again, soon to be the greys of November.

  2. No……At First.
    At first, I thought you were playing some reckless James Dean scenario on the highway, hands on wheel, camera, lens, alternating and hoping for the image you so neatly vacuumed us into.
    Now I think I see a tinge of red on the bottom- are you letting someone else drive your new Rav???

  3. So it looks like you’ve finally discovered what Engogirl has known for years, that the reason why other people exist is to drive you around.
    Nice to see that you’re not risking your life, and endangering the lives of others.
    Oh, and by the way… nice shot.

    1. Yep, I could get used to this chauffeured Rav 4 thing very easily. “Nice shot” actually takes five nice shots. I’m a perfectionist on what Bonnie calls this vacuuming thing.

      Sorta like you and sunsets.

  4. Razz, when have you ever posted a sunset picture that isn’t out of this world gorgeous? That’s what I mean by perfectionist.

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