Possessed by a Phalaenopsis

When you can’t go out because your car’s possessed by the devil, photograph a Phalaenopsis that you bought for your cousin Mary’s visit next Friday!  She’s from Palm Beach Florida and loves orchids.

I love the word “Phalaenopsis”.  This orchid is also called a “moth orchid” because the flowers resemble the shape of a moth or butterfly.

They are easy to grow, long bloomers, and have a name that suggests complexity.

Long live Phalaenopsis-sizzzzz.

Plural of Phalaenopsis is not so easy to say.

©Pat Coakley 2010


**Select photographs from this blog and from my wider archive can be purchased at www.patcoakley.com

5 Replies to “Possessed by a Phalaenopsis”

  1. What a beautiful Phalae! Can I buy a print on your website? Remind me of how to do that?
    Looking forward to our visit in the ice country.

    1. Oh, to those in the orchid know it’s “phalae” for short?? Good to know so I can name drop,orchid-swagger-like through my next conversation! As to buying, just go there and see if you need my directions. It’s in the Flower and Macro Photography gallery. I was supposed to have fixed previous problems (or at least those that I could fix) so It’ll be interesting to me if you can do it! It’s supposed to warm up this week, by the way…to 32.

  2. exquisite! and exotic. such a lovely creation. we had an orchid show here recently, an old friend grows them, they are just beautiful.

    btw, i accidentally deleted my blog. yes accidentally trying to get off of google which is so omnipresent and wont budge and stores things i dont want. so now i’m trying to get google and/or blogger to restore it. so far no luck. i might have to rebuild it from scratch (i do have an archive but its not entirely up to date) so much for lost stuff, oh well

    hope 2b back soon! xx

  3. Okay.
    It was a bit choppy but I did it.
    Did not see option to buy cards only prints.
    We can discuss when I see you.

  4. Gorgeous colors in this, especially the out-of-focus background. Hope they get the gremlins out of your car soon… and you can be “back on the road again”. It seems like they hit tipota’s blog, too. I was shocked when I clicked on it (always enjoy reading it) until I saw her note here.

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