Track Nine

Ok.  I admit it.

I listened to not one minute of the Heath Care Summit this weekend.

I read Frank Rich’s column, The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged, in the NYTimes and got so depressed at the truth of it that I went into Boston to see an art exhibit that just opened.

Roni Horn, an artist who explores identity profoundly and surprisingly named her exhibit,  Roni Horn aka Roni Horn.

She is hard to describe.  1.Sculptor.  Check.  2. Photographer. Check. 3. Painter. Check. 4.Conceptual artist.  Double check.

Here’s my attempt at # 2 and #3.

I got on the train back home at track #9 with more optimism for my obsessed and deranged world than when I got off the train and before I’d seen the exhibit.

Thank you, Roni Horn.

I don’t think six hours of listening to the Health Care Debate would have done that.   Do you?

©Pat Coakley 2010


**Select photographs from this blog and my wider archive can be purchased at

4 Replies to “Track Nine”

  1. Six hours of the health care summit would have been cruel and inhuman punishment. But an art exhibit? You made the right choice. Art is always uplifting for the spirit, even (or perhaps especially) when it challenges our assumptions and view of the world. I don’t know if art can change the world, but I do know it can change one’s day!
    The image here is fantastic. The motion-blurred figures in the foreground combined with the washed-out brightness of the surroundings gives a spiritual/surreal feel to it. I’ve tried to capture this feeling a number of times, but never successfully. This may inspire me to try again!

    1. Oh, I love that you feeling inspired to try again, Don. Particularly since after viewing your recent abstracts, I felt inspired myself. It is territory I love. The exhibit worked its way into me slowly without any wow moments but it felt like I was being pried open inch by inch. So it seems just right that the energy should come back to you.

  2. i love the light spilling in this photo, it is an exciting image, gives me the rare sort of feeling like a lucid dream.

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