One Divine Scent of the Universe

I can’t tell you whether BP is going to cap this leak or whether Obama will succeed in a new energy policy but I’ll tell you this one true thing:

With bows and genuflections to Robert Duvall in Apocalypse Now–

Nothing.  I mean nothing-smells better than heliotrope in the morning.

©Pat Coakley 2010


**Photographs from this blog and my wider archive can be purchased at

4 Replies to “One Divine Scent of the Universe”

  1. Kathi, I find this color combination almost always stunning but this particular plant is so densely purple and then has this heavenly aroma. Thanks.

  2. And nothing looks more the antithesis of BP’s oceanic malignancy
    than the lushly regal flower Heliotrope.
    In my previous days of textile design and sales, when purple was a rage again, it was referred to as helio.
    Did people not have enough time to utter the second syllable?
    An exquisite image Pat. I’ll have to Google the fragrance….( if only…)

    1. Bonnie! Where have I been for 65 years that I’d never heard of heliotrope never mind realized it had the scent of the gods. The aroma is sometimes referred to as “Cherry Pie” and I think some even call it by that name. I’ve heard “vanilla” as well. But, divine is my word!

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