Newport Flower Show 2010

My flowers got some award love at the Newport Flower Show yesterday.  Whoo Whoo. (See why I entered this HERE)

Star of the day, though?

Potato Leek soup at Lucia’s.

According to Weight Watchers’s point guide, an Au Bon Pain bowl of potato leek soup is calculated at 10 points.

Lucia’s?  I’m figuring 15.

What if you eat it with a teaspoon and not a soup spoon?

There’s a little somethin’ wrong with my priorities.

©Pat Coakley 2010


•Select photographs from this blog and my wider archive can purchased or licensed from

18 Replies to “Newport Flower Show 2010”

  1. “Painterly quality and movement handled with artistry”! Astute judgement from Newport.
    Colors are brilliant and unusual and so is my cousin and her eye for it all.
    Congratulations dear girl.

  2. I am so proud! The color is lovely, and the way the flowers are bending reminds me of the way herds of safari animals look when they are moving. Really beautiful!

    1. Leave it to you, Al!! In the little write-up for the submission, I noted the movement within the photo that reminded me of the migratory wildlife patterns I’d seen in movies of the African animals and birds.

    1. Thanks, Don. I just bought another few stems from Whole Foods yesterday that I have never seen before in my life. Can’t wait to see what happens when it meets camera or scanner. “Whole Foods” is to me what St. Croix is to you!

    1. Thanks, nkgee! It was fun to enter Rosecliff (where The Great Gatsby was filmed) and see my little bloom hanging!

    1. Thanks, Pat! The flower that is currently defying my artistic abilities is (of all flowers) the daisy. I’ve been photographing a large long stemmed bunch of them along my walkway for one solid week. Only a few images have risen above the ho-hum. I love that about creativity, though. You can’t take it for granted.

  3. great! the color and composition are superb. i remember your post about entering it. so glad you won! hooray and hallelujah!

    1. Kathi, I think it may have been you (or Don) that mentioned “movement” in my original post of this photograph!

  4. These judges reigned Supreme. Had I not seen the tiny print I would have used the same descriptions as the judges so now I’ll have to add compositional mastery.
    Shows that as you keep doing what you’re good at and have a great time doing, the rest of the world catches on.
    Congratulations Pat and oh, screw the calories. You’re the Biggest Winner.

    1. Oh, that makes me laugh, “The biggest winner”. That biggest loser show makes me wince just clicking by it on my way to Mad Men. Seriously, I think I’ve got to write more about this topic because well just because. I carry one of those point calculators in my purse but I don’t take it out while eating you’ll be happy to know! And, when I know I’ve exceeded the day’s points, I very astutely stop tracking!

  5. Pat, a well deserved award. Was this the flower show where they looked down their well-heeled noses at you?

    Sometimes potato leek soup has no points. Especially during a celebration.

    Enjoy both the award and the soup. You deserve it.

    1. Carol, your question reminded me to insert the link to the first post about the Boston show that you are referring to. I met the lady of this Newport Show at the Boston show and she invited me to submit something. Given that the Boston show was resisting the idea of photography at all in such howling ways, I decided to accept the invitation to submit something. At least someone wanted to ask me to dance!

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