18 Replies to “A Tree Obsession”

  1. A tree obsession? I’d say this is a LINE obsession. Wowee! I love this. Even makes me a little dizzy.

    Glad to hear the tree is alive. We need more trees. Unfortunately people seem to love cutting them down, as though they were a nuisance. I just don’t get it sometimes.

    1. You know, Don, the original image had the parking lots lines but were not as prominent as the final image. Sometimes this whole creative process makes me dizzy, too.

  2. You have some really gorgeous pictures on this site. I love how you couple the pictures with something interesting to say, as well, it’s something I have problems with on my own photo blog :P

    Trees are perhaps one of the better things to be obsessed about, all things considered, and if it produces such pretty images, more power to you.

    1. Welcome, dragonmageo6! Thanks for visiting. I just went to your site and saw that little Obama video of he and Clinton planting trees. I had missed that! Always nice to hear from new visitors.

  3. The tree abides, Pat. The tree abides.

    Seriously, though, trees always seem to amaze me. There’s a plum tree near my house that was taken over during the summer by some kind of blight – ate it to hell. Now it’s full of blossoms – and acting as though I dreamt the whole thing. *Scratches head*

    About the photo: I really like that patch of grainy light above the tree – so inexorable.

    One nitpick: There’s something in the far left side of the frame at the level of the brush (two people and a convertible?). I find it a bit distracting

    1. Chris, I’m smiling. Those two people and a convertible are a jungle gym just to the left of the tree and a bit lower on the terrain. It’s one of those space age jungle gyms on playgrounds these days that bear absolutely no resemblance to ones of my “yuth”. That patch of grainy light is a signature of HDR images in foggy, snowy, or liightly rainy conditions. This day was dense fog.

    1. Thanks, Razz. Now, If you could just send this nice affirmation along with a piece of that macademia nut torte, I’d really be beaming.

    1. You know Bonnie, this is a total mystery to me, this image. I’m not even sure how it came about. It began with multiple exposures but it was a very, very foggy day so even the range of exposures was not dramatic. The end result is one of the reasons I love this whole process. The layers of capture.

  4. Some of the Galapagos Islands are full of dead looking trees, but supposedly they aren’t. I can’t say it’s a fact because the tour guide was a bit shifty. Possibly if he was a tour guide in British Columbia “clearcut” areas might be passed off as natural patchiness.

    1. Ross, I remember reading your post about an adventure in the Galapagos and your guide!! Hilarious to think about a guide in that region being “shifty”!

  5. When I saw this image in the RSS reader on my iphone, I quickly ran over to my computer to see it full size. Love the use of the solid black and the remaining tinges of yellow.

    1. Chris, this was a very foggy day. Very foggy. I have discovered that HDR and fog are quite an interesting combo! Who knew? The range of exposure seems so limited to begin with but I do think the whole process loves “gray” in any form. From your experience, does that ring true?

  6. Is this from the same side? Was the parking lot present in the other one? Another great image. There is nothing I can add that has not been said already.

    1. This is a slightly different angle, Conni, but it’s only one image.

      The other was a multiple composite image so the parking lots and things, unless needed, disappear like magic.

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