After The Parade Passes By


After taking photos for several hours, (One, Two, Three) I got to the corner of Atlantic Ave and Summer Street feeling sure I would see the funeral motorcade approach from this corner.

I would have if I’d been there two minutes earlier.  So, I took my train from South Station, the building in this photograph, and went back home.

I hope Massachusetts recovers its booming, powerful voice as easily as the traffic resumed after his hearse and the family passed by.

©Pat Coakley 2009


10 Replies to “After The Parade Passes By”

  1. And my brain said check Pat’s blog for a post about Ted Kennedy! I know she won’t go without doing one. Voila! I’m sorry you missed that shot. It was today also, when Doug looked up at the news today while we were at lunch, and said he thought it was ironic that Ted Kennedy passes away with Cancer just days after making his remarks about health care. and I thought it Ironic that Doug would ever bring this to my attention because he usually is so out of tune with current events.

    1. Oh, you were right, Renee, not just one blog, four maybe five. And, I think one more is coming about his letter to the Pope read at the ceremony at Arlington. I have a very different take on it than others, I guess. Thanks!

  2. what a great bunch of pictures. full of sweeping images that call up emotions, and i love the sense of the aftermath of traffic resuming, for some reason it really needed to be said.

    1. For some reason, Tipota, I was not sad that i missed the motorcade. I wished I’d seen it, but I also felt that just coming and roaming the streets where it would be was enough. As I said to Renee above, however, his letter to this Pope, threw me a curveball. I’m deciding whether to write about it or not.

    1. Thanks, Brian. I so enjoyed just walking around. It was a beautiful day, not hot and muggy as it has been, and I walked the route of the motorcade.

  3. Trust you to take this series and show the loss, the pulse of life that stops for no one and the sweet tribute of that knickered man under the umbrella, perhaps thinking about his own fate as diners ordered something from the dessert menu.

    1. Knickers! Now, why didn’t I call them that? For that is closer than jodhpurs! Anyway, it was a sweet day for me. Loss has that quality when I am far enough removed to be able to sense its presence.

  4. Nice series Pat. Each has its story to tell, but I especially love the graphic qualities of the billowing flag over the boats and the harbor that symbolize one of Senator Kennedy’s personal joys.

    1. Thanks, Don. One of my favorites was the man sunbathing! My hilarious friend Mary emailed me and said at first she thought Ted’s body had fallen out of the casket or on second thought that perhaps this was my tribute to him in his “old” days. I hadn’t thought of either dimension when I took it but I laughed out loud when she made the comments. She apologized if it sounded bad but we’re Irish first, then appropriate second.

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