At Last, The Sun


At last, the sun and with it, sub zero temperatures.

The ride yesterday was two hands on the wheel blizzard driving.  This morning after deicing and warming the car, god bless the battery, I left for home and before the windshield was covered in road goop, I realized what taking photos behind the wheel with the sun out actually looks like.

I think this is my first motion, non stormy day, behind the wheel photo.  Seriously, light sure makes a difference in photography, doesn’t it?

I’ll have to try it more often.

©Pat Coakley 2008


11 Replies to “At Last, The Sun”

  1. Blue, frost, ice tunnel at 50 mph no less. Fantastic images these snow shots. Hard to keep the fingers supple in 10 degrees.
    You must be getting good at getting fast.

    Glad you’re home and safely situated. Maybe some backyard shots taken in your polar fleece snuggly?

  2. Great shot.
    You’re getting better and better at this sort of photography.

    Sorry I haven’t dropped by lately but I’ve been very busy with house maintenance and pre-Christmas socialising. They don’t call it the silly season for nothing.

  3. Thank you, Ulla, and welcome. I bet you grew up around snow, too?? If you have this shot is very familiar isn’t it? Thanks for taking the time to comment!

    Bonnie, I can’t believe the difference the sun makes!! Oi. Me, photographer, discovers light.

    Thanks, Razz, I figured you were up to entertaining as you told epic about some mango concoction that you were whipping up for a party! The renaissance man, indeed. I’m whipping up clam chowder today which is my only claim to fame, and even then, it’s only a few who claim it and I’m one of them! But, I think it’s a nice thing to have at this time of year when it’s the silly freezin’ season. My base is guaranteed to produce heart attacks: salt pork, a piece of thick bacon, and a few slices of Italian bacon that seems to have doubled in price this year for some reason. I can’t remember the name of it! Anyway, anything in the kitchen is always a gamble so cross your fingers. I wish my niece and her family were here to eat it cuz they would like it even if it falls short. Her brothers are not so forgiving and they live closer. I’m making pizza for them!

  4. Oh, Pomeroy! How you made this photo funny is your little bit of genius. Seriously, I never thought of that!

    “hic” to you and yours!

  5. You scare me with our behind-the-wheel shots. Almost as bad as the kiddos and their cell phones. Beautiful shot, though.

    Pat, it has been such a pleasure getting to know you through your blog this past year. Nay, it’s an honor, my friend. You push and prod me and make me a better person. I just wish you lived closer so we could do coffee on occasion. May you have a blessed holiday, and it’s my hope that the new year brings you many wondrous surprises . . .

  6. Right back at you, Tysdaddy! If I lived closer, I’d be raiding your garage! Better to keep me 1500 miles away. I am planning on some wondrous surprises in the future. I’ve got put some pressure somewhere to bring them about!

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