Back Behind the Wheel


I don’t want you to get too used to seeing photographs in focus on this blog.  I have my reputation to uphold, you know.

So, I’ll give your this from Winthrop Street in Medway, Massachusetts.  One day, years ago, towards the end of the day, the cows were being led from the pasture across the street to the barn and I stopped to let them pass.

I was wishing they had been making that journey on this recent day.   But, in my head I saw the cows anyway.   Saw them passing slowly, dutifully in front of my headlights .  I even admired their drifting black spots against such a sky.

Hey, at least I don’t see dead people.

©Pat Coakley 2009


6 Replies to “Back Behind the Wheel”

  1. Nice shot and it looks like you might have enough now for an exhibition. Time to make some large prints (I think that they should be about 3 feet wide) and show them to some galleries.

  2. wow. i think i can see them too. i agree with Razz on showing them-and perhaps beneath some way of including the writing, a smaller flat-frame or something, maybe a horizontal, this is great

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