Calm on the Inside


When all hell is breaking loose outside, it’s always possible to focus on the interior.

40 mile an hour winds today and snow again tomorrow.

It’s not boring here in New England.

As opposed to Brad Pitt.


You heard me.  I listened to Charlie Rose interview him for what I believe was the full hour.  I wouldn’t know because I fell asleep after about five minutes.


I’m going to google Charlie and see whether his head hit his oak desk periodically slogging through the rest of the hour.

©Pat Coakley 2008


3 Replies to “Calm on the Inside”

  1. Oprah was working so hard I swear she was sweating when he was on her show last week. He just would not elaborate on a single question. I only caught a few minutes, but I was wondering if he is doing a “hostile” press tour to promote his movie. He certainly left all charm and sense of humor elsewhere.

  2. Yeah, this whole Promote The Movie thing seems like something his heart isn’t into these days. He’s way beyond his manic years . . .

    And this shot? I love the way the interior is so calm and the outside just racing by. We don’t notice it without the stopping of time . . .
    Beautiful . . .

  3. Al, I’m a thinking less of his making a choice to do “hostile” press and more of your father’s expression: “He’s dumb as a haddock but I’m not sure that’s not insulting the haddock.”

    Tysdaddy, I like this shot as well and it taught me something to boot. Having something in focus in a photo is not ALL bad.

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