Countdown to 2009


The week between Christmas and the New Year shall be marked by the reeds that surround the pond near my house.

I have realized over the months that I’ve been photographing them that they have become a daily source of contemplation. I shall post some of their moods over the next week and as I do, I am going to be assessing everything I truly know about life that they have come to represent. They are unruly. They are fragile. They are fierce. I have to figure out what to do with this one and only life by January 1, 2009. No pressure.

I see my future in them somewhere and whatever art I have. Maybe it’s that one that looks like a lasso that’s floating over the thicket. Or, the ones that are in focus, or, the many that are not. They represent whatever art I have because I am drawn (as we know) to images that blur as much as they define. This week, leading up to New Year’s Eve and the next SAPCC theme of “2008”, I shall post a series about these reeds and contemplate my future from my bunker.

I’d say “Join me! I serve snacks!!”” but it is holiday week and everyone is a bit disoriented and larded down with cream sauces and a variety of liquid “sauce” and off their game and/or doing so many other things. So, I’m going to contemplate the hell out of these reeds and if anyone stops by–take your coat off, help yourself to the soda or beer and Cheez-Its or whatever, but no talking! When I contemplate my goals for the future, I can’t talk. Nothing.

Well, maybe just a few words will be alright.

©Pat Coakley 2008


17 Replies to “Countdown to 2009”

  1. A lovely photo… Some of these dried and curled up weeds look like Queen Anne’s Lace. (I have a drawing of one on my Flora page). They reveal so much character – in a manner that is usually only typical of trees.

  2. Welcome, flandrumhill! I think you are just the person who might know what these reeds (I’m not even sure that is the right category for them~) are. I just checked your Flora page and it seems like you might know or tell me where I might look to find out. It’s been driving me crazy not to know! Thanks for commenting.

  3. And what happened to the Elvis post? I saw something about an Elvis post in my Reader and when I clicked through, I got the error message of deleted doom. Second thoughts? That doesn’t seem like a Pappy sort of thing to do . . .

  4. Tysdaddy, I took down the “Elvis” because it had a reed photo and I decided shortly afterward that I’d do this series on them. There’s was hardly any writing to it, so I figured I’d just start with this photo and go from there!! It’s the first time I’ve taken something down, I think. Can’t get anything by you!!

  5. w1kkp, they are definitely dried Queen Anne’s Lace flowers. A quick google image search of ‘dried Queen Anne’s Lace’ will provide many samples for you. The drawing I have of one at was done from a flower I picked in my yard during the summer when they are full and open. It provides an ant’s eye view, looking up from the stem. They look quite different in the winter.

  6. Oh, flandrumhill! I can’t thank you enough. I’ve only been photographing them since late October so their white lacy bloom was not there. Otherwise, I would have immediately recognized them. It has truly been driving me crazy so thanks again! I think I’m going to learn alot from you!

    Renee, I’ve never seen those x-ray flowers! Never. Thanks for pointing it out to me. Am happy you love these things, too. There’s something about them that hypnotizes me!

  7. w1kkp, I used to draw these flowers as a teenager 35 years ago. Their structure has always fascinated me. I’m glad I was able to help.

    sweetiegirlz, I’ve never seen an x-ray flower before, but have seen many seashells rendered in that manner. There are 2 awesome videos on You Tube that display a series of them: and


  8. What a beautiful photo, Pat, and wintry with it. So suitable for this time of year. As for making resolutions etc, there’s one which is very simple to aim for but no doubt harder to realise: survive. That’s all. Just survive. It’s hard to know how in the current climate, but I swear to God that most of the stress we’re currently under is due to apprehension of the unknown. If bad stuff happens, it happens and we often find a way out that we’d never have thought of in the apprehension phase. Keep up with the creativity and the rest will take care of itself.
    As for the photos, keep ’em comin’ Pappy! and enjoy those beautiful children in your life.

  9. Think each person needs such a series in their lives, the most beautiful part noticeable in all of them, taken down or up, is their softness… an incredible softness. Little me thinks 2009 is going to hold a few nice surprises for you, it is my wish that it be filled with nothing but warm fuzzy happies and laughter filled creativity… Who knows perhaps it is the year I get a royal tour of Boston, one of my dreams *smiles* Love the series and the symbology you put into it.

  10. You know, Epic, you are right and what a luxury I have being able to devote time to this subject. I think it might behoove me to help some others survive as well…perhaps, that is how I shall as well.

    Sanity, Your comments remind me that I haven’t been to Boston in a couple of months!! Maybe I’ll go in today! Softness is the key to these creations by the pond. They endure wind, ice, snow, and yet they retain that fragile, soft quality!

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