

I’ve been unable to get a dermatology appointment in New England.

Dermatologists apparently don’t like your ordinary skin eruptions any longer.

Oh, no.

It’s got to be one of those cosemtic procedures that medical insurance doesn’t pay for but vanity does.

If I had one of those, I’d be seen this afternoon.

I don’t need THAT.


©Pat Coakley 2009


10 Replies to “Dermatology”

  1. I think it is “follow the money” once again on the dermatology question.

    I always thought lichen grew on the north side of the tree (away from the sun), and that’s how you could find your way home in the woods — but this stuff has wrapped all the way around to the east. A healthy growth that shows off its lovely texture. So I wonder if human skin eruptions always start on the north side, too.

  2. Davis, O, yes, indeed….the “women your age” line should be banned from physician-speak. And, it doesn’t help, that the one saying it appears to be around 22.

    Don, if we were using this tree as a compass, we’d be in serious trouble. We’d be going around in circles! Interesting and funny observation!

  3. oh if my neighbor, an italian gourmet cook, saw those healthy-looking “tree ears” she’d be clipping them off to carry home and make her special “braised tree-ears” dish. really.

  4. Love the photo.

    I have Eczema. I was having an especially bad time of it with a break-out all over my back and arms. It took me 8 weeks to be seen by the Dermatologist! Good thing Eczema isn’t fatal!

  5. Tipota, is that what these are called, tree ears?? I want to say this unequivocally: the last thing I’d think about is eating them. Is that so wrong of me? I’m not kidding. Close to the earth, I’m not. Or, at least not THAT close.

    S. Le. Exactly, my point. 8 weeks! Honestly, that’s terrible when you are in the midst of full on outbreak. I suspect we could amass many “dermatologist” stories.

  6. yes, thats what she calls them, “tree ears” and she makes this special dish with them. but they have to be at a certain special phase of growth for it to work, and i have seen her collecting them, i have called her over when i notice them and she will inspect them, and if they look ‘right’ to her she will clip and peel them and collect them in her basket. cooked, they tasted like mushrooms, sort of. it is some VERY old world italian recipe, and i never woulda thunk either, until she came along.

  7. O, boy. Tipota, the thought of peeling these things off the tree and adding garlic sauce? Mushrooms? I suppose they are some nasty looking things as well if you didn’t know….Anyway, there’s much about the culinary world I do not know!

    Thanks, psychscribe! I took this photo without knowing if I was going to match it with a blog. When I thought of the post, I laughed out loud thinking of the “match”. Is it bad to laugh at your own madness!?

  8. Here in Australia you need a referral from a general practitioner before you can see a specialist.

    Seeing a specialist is usually for very serious things.

    I go to a dermatologist every 4 or 5 years to have skin cancers looked at. Once when I was at the dermatologist’s, I asked her if she enjoyed her job and she replied that checking out people like me who don’t have any really serious problems was a relief because she said that about 70% of the people she sees, she has bad news for them.

    So in short, I’d say, “count your lucky stars that you don’t have something that interests a dermatologist enough for them to want to see you”.

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