Dinner With Friends I’ve Never Met

Giraffe for dinner anyone? Not just as an entree but as a guest at the dinner table?

Excuse me, could you pass the branch, please?

Dinner at Sanityfound’s house requires some preparation on the part of the guests. Please read this post on Modern Day Recipe for Insanity and then you’ll discover what you need to bring as well as why you should read more of this woman’s blog.

I’m taking pictures of my plate. I don’t care what they do.

©Pat Coakley 2008


5 Replies to “Dinner With Friends I’ve Never Met”

  1. I woke up with fond memories of last nights dinner of how the one twigga (giraffe) was trying to bite the others tail with pea-flowers blowing in the wind with mashy clouds… too cute! I tried to snap off a photo but the prison guards put the straight jacket back on!

    I am honoured to have you over for dinner, I just hope that all leave with a decent level of insanity! Thank you for this, what an incredible way to wake up

  2. Sanity, i think you should have Razz come to dinner and make a flaming desert at the table. They’ll run out of the house. You lock the door so they can’t come back. And, then, kick back and enjoy the meal. For Once!

    Razz, I just had to look up “brai”:

    South African / Zimbabwean slang for a barbeque. Let’s sink some tinnies and whack some steaks on the brai.

    Ok, now what does sink some tinnies mean?

    This quest for knowledge thing is unending.

  3. Lol I will have to post the etiquette of braai’s, the men seem to go ga-ga for it – Who ever wants to join me for one said braai is welcome to visit at the end of August. The Gods granted them a prize to Malaysia so I will be having a 2 week break.
    I am naturally now worried about being able to still cook spud in microwave, they have gotten all fancy with different settings on me. Phew

  4. You know… don’t say anything, but I heard in A”freak”A where that girl lives… people invited to dinner often ARE dinner…. yep… true.. I read it on the internet!

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