Every Day

What can I say?  I live in New England.   I have to give you at least one “autumn leaves” photo, don’t I?

Every morning for the past month,  I go out when the sun comes up and drive around in all directions and take photographS of anything and everything.  It is a project I hope to build on in a variety of ways.

This spot is one and half miles from my house.   I have 10 more for you.

I’m kidding.  I’m kidding.

More like 20.

©Pat Coakley 2008


11 Replies to “Every Day”

  1. Welcome, beauty. This time of year makes a beginner or a veteran photographer look like a painter. I agree. I wish I could paint. I think I’m going to post my absolute favorite painting of Fall by Winslow Homer so all can see it. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

  2. I love it- a palindromic photograph!!!
    Turn it up to down, down to up, it’s the same.
    With subtle differences, of course.

    A scene like this one could cause a 14 car pile up if people were behind you in the car.
    I can smell the leaves, and the fragrance of the sweater that just got pulled out of storage.

    Looking at the flat, tranquil water is very soothing too.
    As much as I love watching the ocean and seeing the waves break, it never rests.
    Looking at a lake, offers that respite and don’t we need one right now!

    Have you seen any plein air painters in your area, setting up easels at spots like this?
    I imagine it would be such a choice spot to be inspired by.

  3. You know, Bonnie, I’ve never seen a plein air artist in this area but it is only this month that I have gone every day in search of light and subject. Perhaps, they have found even more spectacular spots!

  4. Pat, can I have this picture? it is absolutely my favorite of all of yours. I love it so much and would be so grateful. Not for my blog, but for my own. I would love to put it as my computer background….


  5. It is wonderful to see this place so tranquil and beautiful because (if you are where I think you are) it was the site of such a horrible tragedy many years ago. Do you remember Mr. Seguin (spelling?) and his children?

  6. HJ, It isn’t the Beaver street pond which is where I think that horrible tragedy happened, right? This is the road that goes by Putnam Investments after the Union Cafe. It hooks up with King street west of where Peter B lived. However, I did take a few very nice shots where you are thinking.

    Thanks, Conni. This time of year, it pretty much is just showing up and having a camera with you!

    Amber, Glad you liked it. There a few more coming so after that, if you still prefer this one, I’ll send you a screensaver.

  7. That is stunning. And very clever how you broke the perfect symmetry by placing that reflected black lacy branches at the bottom.

  8. Ok just stared at that image for half an hour while I am meant to be running diagnostics on the laptop, it breathed a fresh gust of calm over me (much needed!).

    Only 20 tsk!

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