Every Sunday, I listen to CBC’s Writer’s & Company

Here’s why. Her interview with Nick Hornby today and his new book, “Funny Girl” which does indeed sound wonderful but the podcast delves into so many things, why his character is obsessed with Lucille Ball, why he turned from writing about mainly men, “About a Boy” “Fever Pitch” “High Fidelity”  to women characters like the one in his new book, as well as wanting to write the screenplay for Cheryl Strayed’s “Wild” and they cover theories of art (at the very end and fabulous) and why his creative spirit is drawn to one thing and not another.

And, as usual, Eleanor asks writers question that go beyond their craft and inspire anyone to be more creative or, even, to live a bit better life.

Worth it to subscribe even if you are not a reader. If you are a reader, it is mandatory!
