Gifts We Really Need As Opposed To Those We Don’t Like an IPAD

I had the Apple salesperson take my photo with the IPAD.  I then emailed it to my great nieces and nephews.  “Here I am just lookin’, not buyin’.”

The 8 year-old said with wisdom, “This does not surprise me that Pappy is in that Apple store!”

The 10 year old, named after my late brother, is coming to visit tomorrow to spend the night and to read the new book in his favorite series, “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”.  I bought the book on the day it was released, November 9th, and I’ve just made up his bed, put the stuffed animals all around, and stood the book up next to the new Dog Pillow Pet.  He’ll be thrilled.

I’m thrilled he still wants to come visit.  He’s worried that I’m getting rid of cable.  I told him we’d watch Netflix movies on my laptop.  I just put up an easel with nice paper.  Maybe he’ll paint me something.  He’s good at drawing.  I stink at it.  But, this is a read weekend: He’s going to read his book and I’ll read mine.(“Freedom”, Jonathan Franzen)  We’ll make heath bar crunch cookies.  I’ll say it’s for him that I’m making them.  Bacon Pizza.  The boy never met a piece of bacon that didn’t call him by name.

We’ll go to see “Megaminds” on Sunday and then end at a restaurant that has delicious fried haddock.  Haddock is his favorite.

His mother said he was really looking forward to coming.


Isn’t this a far better gift than an Ipad?

Yes, of course, it is.

But, if he arrived at my door, say… suitcase in hand, smile on his face… with an Ipad for Pappy in his other hand?

Snap out of it, Pappy. Snap. Out. Of. It.

You have everything you need when the doorbell rings.

©Pat Coakley 2010


**Select photographs from this blog and my wider archive