Harden the F Up

No, it’s not Kansas anymore, Dorothy.

Do your deer in the headlights impression and then harden the f up. (Thanks to Razzbuffnik for posting this hilarious video by Australian, Ronnie Johns, months ago)

No, it’s not Kansas anymore– it’s Cumberland, Rhode Island.  They have straw men in the fields who don’t talk or walk.

There is no wizard, but there is magic here.


I’m busy hardening the f up right at the moment but I’ll let you know when I find it.

©Pat Coakley 2008


9 Replies to “Harden the F Up”

  1. I’ve always liked the term “straw man” as it’s used in legal circles. I’m convinced that lawyers check out their client’s assets before taking on a job and then they scheme to take the lot.

    “Straw men” have no assets and are therefore safe from the attentions of the legal profession.

    The straw men of this are the last people of this world that are free from the cares of having money and all the unintended burdens that it brings with it.

    “Money can’t buy poverty!”

  2. Hardening up is like telling yourself not to have blue eyes.
    How do you go about doing that, I wonder.

    That sky is powerful and probably also without negotiation.

    Pat- do your photos prompt your posts or do you think about the days events whether personal or global and then shoot the shot or find it in your archives?

    It matters not- I’m just curious. You make the statement regardless of how you do it.

    note to Razz- what a quote- ” Money can’t buy povery”!
    I’m thinking maybe after floating 700 billion that may no longer even be true.

  3. Bonnie

    Q: How do you create a small business on Wall St?
    A: Start with a large one.

    As for hardening up, “Courage may be taught as a child is taught to speak” (Euripides).

  4. Wisdom in the comments. How many times have I thought this since I started this blog? This morning’s comments are no exception and on this particular morning, my morning of hardening up, yes you can Bonnie, I now have brown eyes after these past three weeks! I want you two on the deck before we slip beneath the waters, that’s for sure. Razz, would be giving the big picture and Bonnie and I would be seasick!

    BL: Almost always I take the pictures first detached from thought of context, just something about the subject catches my eye. Some show that, I’m afraid, but in the past few weeks, only one has been from archive (the close up of the child’s face and eyes). Tomorrow I post the photo for a week’s assignment for the photo group and that began with me thinking about the theme, “absence” and having a few ideas first and then going out to shoot. What I ended up with used one initial idea as the springboard to a far more complicated result. Stay tuned!

  5. All I have to offer is a *big hug* If you ever want to talk sweetie… Im here! You are so loved. That counts for alot!

  6. Did the clouds threaten but never unleash the mighty torrent of rain it was holding back? Posturing storm clouds? Ready to rain but never quite managed the task. The clouds then decided to turn the negative energy into this beautiful picture…

    Well, if I harden up anymore than I have….good thing I have you Pat to take my mind off the matters at hand. I did manage to capture a lesson, of course in a picture what else? I find it easier to talk in pictures these days. This one’s not about hardening up but watching what we give to others in the form of ourselves.

  7. S.Le, You know I am just amazed myself at the skies above me these days. They remind me of some of the clouds Razz has shown in big, wide open Australia! Card is on its way!
    Thanks, amber girl! Another real world benefit to blogging: the human beings you meet!
    Sweetiegirlz: Oh, I was hoping you’d do this challenge and I couldn’t agree with you more about sometimes it is easier to talk in pictures. I hadn’t thought of it this way but it is true! I just left you this long comment but it didn’t show up on your site! I didn’t see “comment needs to be moderated” or anything like that. Sigh. But, here’s my summary: It made me think! And I needed to think about other things this morning, so thank you!

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