I Can Only Socialize Safely with my Camera Gear during COVID19.

These days, I can only socialize safely with my camera gear. The only world that invites me to get closer without risking death is Mother Nature.

So, I give you my macro world. Each day, I look through a macro lens, either 180mm or 55mm and this mysterious world just invites me to come closer.

I had two ‘socially distant” picnics on my porch this week and all I can say is I’m not sure my hostess skills are COVID approved. I kept forgetting not to bring someone some crackers, or ladle some chowder for a guest, or not to pour the chocolate sauce on their ice cream while it is in their hands.

It may be I am only allowed to socialize during COVID19 with my camera gear. As long as I clean my sensor, we’ll be on speaking terms.

Gerbera Daisy Stem
