IPAD Euphoria in Flames

I hate the NY Times.  It makes me think about things I don’t want to think about.


Republicans.  Democrats. I used to like y’all, honest.  I even voted like you in some elections, but honestly, I cannot stand to listen to one more of you for the time being.


Syria. Good Grief, Charlie Brown. We know we should be doing something there..hello, Bosnia, Libya, Rwanda, but what to do what to do?? said the Mad Hatter. (He did say that, correct?)  And, what can we afford to do? What can we afford NOT to do?


Retirement Nest Eggs not being enough.  Oh, I’d take an Xanax if I had one.


To top it off, they also just published an article saying that even though I’ve lost a lot of weight the chances of keeping it off are well, frankly, remote.


Ok. White flag. I’ve just made a vat of chocolate sauce.


But, the most alarming story is about my precious IPAD.


The human costs of the IPAD made by Chinese workers.  It’s not pretty.


Chinese workers, in the hundreds of thousands, work on them.  And, I recently purchased one as a Christmas present on-line.  Within three minutes of finishing the transaction through the online Apple Store, I realized that I wanted it to be gift wrapped.  So, I called the telephone number they give you if you want to change or amend your order.


I got a perfectly nice gentleman who said he’d be happy to help me amend the order to include gift wrapping.  I had made the order at let’s say, 2:25.  It was now, 2:32.  He told me he was unable to amend the order because according to his computer screen, the order had shipped.  I asked him to check the time of the order.  He did.  2:25 PM. Now, I said, what time is it?  He said 2:34.


Now, I’m laughing.  He’s laughing.  And, I say, “That’s one efficient factory considering I’d asked for it to be engraved as well!”


I’m not laughing now.

©pat coakley 2012