License to Create


The state of Massachusetts no longer sends notices for driver license renewal and, consequently, I’ve been blithely driving around with an expired license for almost two months.

I’m sure this was a cost cutting measure but, let’s face it, gingko and Siberian gingsen can only perk our memory cells just so far.  Who is going to remember a six year renewal date?

The commonwealth is going to have thousands of drivers driving on expired licenses AND they won’t have the $40 dollar renewal fee in the state coffers, either.

My license to create never runs out, though.  It renews itself with each act of creation and they haven’t figured out a way to charge a fee for that so far–although if I sell one of my “creations”, Massachusetts sales tax does apply.  I’ve tried to argue that artists are really in the service industry (which does not get taxed), but so far, no luck.

There’s an interesting discussion about photography and believability over at Photos4u2c ( as well as some great photographs)  and here’s my contribution to the trickery of belief: the original of this photograph, taken this morning, can be seen on my hometown blog called My Franklin.

Chime in on the subject, like the birdies, if you wish.

©Pat Coakley 2009


5 Replies to “License to Create”

  1. I looked back at the original. Very nice job! I also weighed in on the broader subject at photos4u2c. Interesting topic, with lots of opinions. I fear that some of the mis-uses of image editing have given the whole genre a bad name.

  2. Whew, the difference between the original and this ominous image is really significant. The composition, the mood, the amount of time spent looking at them. This one fits right in with the Fear series.

  3. Thanks, sakina. It started out one way and ended up another.

    Don, I read your comments on photos4u2c and loved your clarity about this topic!

    Yes, Nava, I am thinking that almost everything I do relates to the Fear topic, whether I know it or not at the time I take the photograph.

  4. Wow! That’s a great photo, and thanks for the plug. When I checked my stats this morning I couldn’t figure out the reason for the spike. Now I know why. I’ve been busy recovering from flying three red eye flights in four days. Sorry I didn’t get over here sooner.

    To this viewer your photo passes the straight photo test. I’m not sure I explained myself properly in my original post. Check out part two… maybe I got it right this time.

    Thanks again.

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