Loading Dock

I have passed this loading dock year after year.  This image began with one photo of a metal pane and it’s hinge.  I call it the loading dock skirt.  Well, what would YOU call it?  It’s around the opening of the receiving bay–I presume to act as buffer of some sort to the arriving truck.

Here is the single image.  The foundation of this piece involved about 8 different images but I reproduced them multiple times in a grid.

Mikey likes it.

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©Pat Coakley 2010


**Select photographs from this blog and my wider archive can be purchased at www.patcoakley.com

9 Replies to “Loading Dock”

    1. Kathi, I am equally fascinated. Each day I play around with more images. I have hundreds. It feels like something is coming full circle…all those hours of walking, photographing, and I never really had anything in mind, until now.

  1. The texture of the original image makes this look like some finely woven fabric. I really like how the minimal colors in the original lend an overall tone to the larger image.

    1. Don, now, after reading what you liked, I realize what I like about it. it is just that..a minimum of color in one image lends to overall tone. Thanks!

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