Moss View


In December, with the branches of trees totally bare and the wind blowing 20-30 mph, it makes sense to be a nice patch of moss.  Close to the ground, its flash of green is the only color still left near the pond.   It remains composed and colorful while all hell breaks loose around it.

©Pat Coakley 2008


8 Replies to “Moss View”

  1. This photo reminds me of when I used to do a lot of bush walking.

    I noticed that there are not only the macro landscapes but there are also micro landscapes as well.

    Nearly every step brings one into an almost totally different world, as the various life forms compete with each other for space in their own little niche. Their success governed by what tiny little micro-climate and nutrients are present in each and every minute spot.

  2. I love the shallow depth and movement. The cold tone and indication of a cold wind are evocative of the season. You’ve strung together a nice series of posts lately.

  3. Since I’ve been going out every day to shoot, and sometimes to this same place, over and over, I have noticed so many things just as you suggest, Razz.

    Glad you enjoy it, S.Le. I had several shots to choose from and I may post some of the others as well. This is the problem with this template. Just one photo is displayed at a time!

    Thanks, Chris. Given that I love most anything you do, it’s a compliment!

  4. since I am a new vistor to your site, but it won’t be the last time, you do like the twigs don’t you? You give them a uniqueness that others don’t take the time to see as they rush past

  5. I agree with CheyAnne.

    Although your theme is attractive, I think it’s also a matter of style over substance. It’s a real pain to try and look through your old posts one at a time and those thumbnails in the archive pages give no idea what the posts are about.

  6. Yes, CheyAnne, I am finding I like twigs, thorns, reeds, weeds–all things I’ve never focused in on before. I was back yesterday to the library photographing the thorns again! A man got out of his car with books in his hand to return to the library, looked at me with the camera in my hand in front of the thorn bush, and said with a smile, “Is it a crime scene?”.

    And, to both you and Razz, I have looked for other themes but, none, that showcase the photo as well. If you have any suggestions, I’ll look at them. Those themes that allow you to click on the photograph to enlarge it, I don’t much care for because to be honest I never know you can do it. It is not clear to the reader. If you are familiar with the template, you know, but for new readers? They simply wouldn’t know that you can click it.

    I’d like to have more flexibility, but I also like the discipline of having to organize one photo around one thought or theme. It helps my process in some ways. I might be too scattered other wise.

    I do appreciate the “pain” factor of it, though. Maybe something is out there? I know some photographers used a template from Movable Type but it is totally geared toward the photo and not the writing.

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