Mother Nature. Come Closer.

Mother Nature is the only world that invites me to come closer in 2020.

Passion Flower Vine

I am 75 and live in Massachusetts, 30 miles from Boston. We are in phase 3 of “reopening” for our state but it is only in Phase 4, vaccine arrival, that seniors like myself are going to be encouraged to come out of our bunkers.

That is why I started the podcast “Visitors to My Bunker” as I invite people to ring my virtual doorbell via a telephone interview and the name of this blog is “Notes from my Bunker”. It has been going on five months. I look around at the other states that are now in crisis and feel all of us are still in danger of being overwhelmed again.

So, if Mother Nature invites me to take a closer look? That’s what I’ll do. The benefits of accepting this invitation have made me grateful for my macro lens as I enter this entirely mysterious world that has no news alerts, only color, texture, and shapes.

This world beats the world’s news every day.

My niece’s husband, Jeff Hale, composed the background music for this short video. I love it! Captures the mystery of the macro lens.

Here is a gallery of macro shots on my portfolio website that I try to add to every day.

Sometimes, I think of these images as I go to bed and turn out the light. It helps me sleep.