9 Replies to “Ninja Pappy”

  1. With such a beguiling aura and alluringly elfin cuteness, it would matter not if your buns were sticky, crappy or non-existent.
    How delightful to see you on the other side of the lens.

    1. Yes, my elfin cuteness is transient but most likely to be seen amidst those hugging my knees or those teaching me new tricks.

  2. Ninja, for sure! Great picture, including the youngest one making his exit as fast as possible, and the upside-down “8’s”. Thanks for letting us see the real family you!

    1. Don, I like this whole picture because of the little one making tracks, his mother looking for him at the door, his cousin’s arms outstretched in front right frame and then Tim and I doing the ninja thing!

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