On The Way To The Rest Room

I was putting away my camera while walking to the restroom in a Mexican restaurant. I didn’t even know I had pressed the shutter until I got home and downloaded the day’s images into my computer.

Turns out to be my favorite px of the day. Ok. Maybe it was a slow artistic day but I like it. And, to those skeptics out there: No, I had not had anything to drink. No margaritas. Not one. Just chiles rellenos and ice tea. Honest. But, I had just seen a Mark Rothko painting at the Fogg Museum in Cambridge, Ma.

©Pat Coakley 2008


6 Replies to “On The Way To The Rest Room”

  1. I love your pic – I have one of my clothes cupboard that also looks somewhat spiritual…do you do photography for pleasure, for money, or both?

  2. Hi, gille. I do photography for both pleasure and sometimes for money (and am looking for a way to make more through art+image+word )and for a third reason–sometimes because words fail me and images are my best way to communicate. Thanks for visiting and taking the time to comment.

  3. I LOVE that photo! Another accident? It is the one thing I never do, that is throwing what others call dud’s away – sometimes for me they are better, perhaps it is the abstract emotional pull or perhaps I am just insane, but I like it :D

    … and I agree, sometimes it really is true that a picture can speak a thousand words, it can also have a far stronger emotional contingent than anything else…

  4. Yes, sanity, most definitely an accident. That is why “sanity” is in your name, you don’t throw away something simply because someone else doesn’t value it. In the end, It is your call, not theirs.

    Thanks for your enthusiasm!

  5. You have me grinning, thank you for what you said :D

    A true artist sees something beautiful in everything, an artist of life and in life either way…

  6. Your photo made me laugh. Last year, the hospital I work for was putting together new handouts for various programs, one of which was the rehab program for incontinence, and the image on the rack card was all hazy and out of focus. All of us in charge of reviewing the design raised our eyebrows: why is the photo all fuzzy and funny? Well, little did we know, that’s just what it looks like on the way to the bathroom!

    I’m glad you didn’t throw this one away.

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