Passenger Side


I am home after an early morning shoot that produced an almost filled 8G card. Most will not see the light of day again. This is my third post of this card and I probably only have two more that I like. If your goal is motion photography behind the wheel, you need to take a chapter from the police chief in the movie, “Jaws”. He was the first one to actually see the shark and he staggered into the boat cabin to tell his mates, “We need a bigger boat”.

In this type of photography, you need a bigger gig card and equal size humility. You have to throw out images that are close to what you want but not quite all there. You are tempted to say, “Oh, that’s OK” and its not. I have about 400 that fall in that category on this card alone and only five that make the real cut.

If this were still analog photography, I couldn’t afford to do it.

B&H has good deals on gig cards but so far the humility card is not for sale. We’re on our own for that one.

©Pat Coakley 2008

4 Replies to “Passenger Side”

  1. Thank goodness for digital photography. There are some purists who see digital photography as the end of “real” photography, whereas I see it as the re-birth of creative photography.

  2. Razz, you are absolutely right. Honestly, it is a gift to my type of creativity and it keeps on giving because every day I see new possibilities and often from my “mistakes”. Hey, would you give me a Christmas present? Get rid of that possum on your site that’s been up for days!! He creeps me out! And, if he’d look in my dining room window as I serve my Christmas Eve buffet, the screams would have curdled my clam chowder!

  3. Ha. I thought it was just me. I’ve had times where I similarly filled up an 8gb card and got about two good shots. I did a behind-the-wheel shoot in October and on a 2gb card didn’t get a single one…

    Keep them coming though, these are fun.

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