
Look out, Henri Cartier Bresson, Alfred Eisenstadt, W. Eugene Smith, William Eggleston, Gary Winogrand.

I travel the streets, too, packing a camera.

Okay–back in the day when a US First Class stamp was 32 cents–I traveled.

And, along with all street photography, whether by the true artists I’ve named or just passerbys, such as me, it can suggest a story, a narrative.

I’m working on one. It may or may not include my paper bag of two days ago.

But, in the meantime, let me point you to several other bloggers:

Tony’s blog who uncovered on his own the single most comprehensive pxs of manhole covers that I’ve seen or, let’s face it–that anyone has seen!

L who has been lurking on this blog but who came out from behind the curtain in a wonderful fashion with some manhole covers as well as some humor and philosophy.

Planetross who discovered a tourist city in Japan that has manhole covers with an active volcano on it.

And, of course, Mr. Razzbuffnik, who in his travels while living the life of doing all sorts of dumb things, came across a manhole cover with a castle and red cormorants.

Oh, yeah, America, we have a ways to go in the manhole cover department!

Two more things:

Sweetiegirlz has completed the paperbag challenge before the deadline! An origami exclusive. And, she rode two miles in a rain storm to a job interview and if she doesn’t get it, I’m starting a write in campaign with the government.

Nava has also just given delightful life to sweet crumpled paper bag.  She said she is blocked in her own creative, artistic life, but wow, this suggests the log jam is about to break.  There are now two folks who have completed this challenge days before the deadline.  Perspiration is on my brow!

Also, go visit Mr. Tysdaddy today or as soon as you can, cuz he’s given up smoking. My suggestion is that we help him beat this pleasure stick to a pulp by presenting him a creative challenge for 21 days straight. (Theoretically, researchers say this is the time period that creates “a habit”)

My thinking is this: In associating each day of not smoking with answering a creative challenge, one thing shall happen that patches or gums or even willpower can’t do or at least has never been researched before:

The unleashed creativity juices will take the place of the withdrawing nicotine juices, and ultimately, the non smoking state will feel like abundance and not deprivation.

Hell, it’s worth a friggin’ try, don’t you think?? (Of course he totally has no time to do it, but what the hay.)

My suggestion is he write a 500 word story about a paperbag that has been thrown away, discarded.

What would be your creative challenge for him?

And, if it works, we can write a book and make millions!

(Capitalism is always lurking here at singleforareason. Lurking being the operative word.)

Bloggers are all passerbys, don’t you think?

©Pat Coakley 2008


6 Replies to “Passerbys”

  1. I love your photo and that kind of photography. Your list of photographers is almost identical to my list of favourite photographers and those who’ve influenced me the most. If you like that sort of stuff you might want to check out Gilles Perez and his book “Telex Iran”.

  2. So sorry to make you perspire, Pat, but – doing things right away is my attempt at trying to overcome my chronic procrastination. I think it’s easier to give up smoking.

    As Ellen DeGeneres says: “Procrastination isn’t the problem, it’s the solution. So procrastinate now, don’t put it off”.

  3. Nava, I got off my duff last night and decided to do two, the first one is up but the second one is gonna take more time!

    Razz: I am going to check out Giles Perez this weekend. The artists you have suggested in the past have all been worth it. Thanks.

    Amber girl, Welcome back! The usual if you mean teeter tottering around creativity and its challenges and joys!

  4. I second the challenge for Tysdaddy, it is 21 days though I still crave on the odd occasion but not like the heroin junky I was. Am much better now I am now a fully fledged coffee addict… hey I had to replace it with something!

    Great image, I love the surreal feel to it!

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