Rapt Attention


His rapt attention was also mine.  His shorts and shirt.  His book under his arm.  His non-critical gaze of openness.  I have always wanted to know what I look like in a museum as it is for me a unique opportunity to take the blinders off my eyes and look at art and myself anew.  I saw myself in this man.

The next few posts shall be about the art I saw last week in NYC.  Here we are in the Museum of Modern Art and I was making my way through the second floor and an exhibit called, “Waste Not” about all the items found in a small and I mean small house in China and wandered into this adjacent exhibit on my way to the fifth floor for the Cezanne to Picasso exhibit.

I have yet to process all I saw in this museum, and two others (The Met and The Frick) last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, but while I tranced around in and out of masterpieces, I can tell you this one true thing.

I looked like this man except I have a muffin top of white hair.

©Pat Coakley 2009


4 Replies to “Rapt Attention”

  1. really cool juxtaposition… interesting shot and image Pat. You never stop amazing me with your vision, and I never get bored with your stuff.

  2. Really nice shot. I particularly like the way how the eye looks back at the veiwer who is looking at yet another viewer.

    We saw an exhibiton by Martin Parr, called “Small World” in Paris the other day. Parr had taken photos of tourists looking and interacting with famous landmarks. Savage and hillarious stuff. Parr is quite the controversial photographer and many people hate him. I love his eye and I think you’d find his work fascinating, if not a little misanthropic.

  3. really wow Pat, such a great picture, what a feeling it carries, the openness is clear subtle and beautiful. I can feel the space and air around it, it makes me want to be there.

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