
Oh, my.

On my way to the sunrise, I heard about “Regret Prevention” on the radio.

They talked about “Regret Prevention” like it was a well known concept like “Fire Prevention”.

Smokey the Bear (as far as I know) isn’t an IPHONE app, though.

They were talking about only one of the “Regret Prevention” applications that have popped up.

This particular app prevents you from making calls to people after you’ve had too many drinks.

You buy and download the IPHONE app.  Then, you enter the contact numbers of people you just shouldn’t be calling if you are loaded.  When you activate the app (hopefully before you are cross-eyed), then those contacts disappear from your phone book for 12 hours.  There is a debate going on about upping the 12 hour black out to 24.

I am speechless.

But, I’ll find my voice later–12-24 hours later preferably– after my last cocktail.  A New Series has been born.

It’s only 9 AM, however, and I’m just starting on my first cocktail as I Google “Regret Prevention”.

People, join me, will you?

I hate to Google alone.

©Pat Coakley 2009



    1. Davis, Google has an app that makes you do a short math quiz before you send out late night emails. Again, I suspect, for the inebriated customer with access to a keyboard. But, I think there are many other reasons for a muzzle!!

  1. Now all’s we need is to couple this with the ” morning before ” pill, and regret could be totally prevented.
    Aren’t we humans a silly, silly lot!

    And some of us, very, very funny. ( you hate to Google alone…………)
    Here’s lookin’ up your address.

  2. if i wasnt dumbstruck i’d say something else besides ‘i love the inky dark silhouettes so lightly ‘drawn’, the shading, the azure color gradating to pink and the dark pool top left that seems to keep the lines from jumping off the page’. (i’m a total loss when it comes to iWhatevers)

    1. Oh, Tipota, you do make me laugh. Dumbstruck is the right word and your description of the photo is worthy of a pamphlet!! Thanks, as always.

  3. Another great picture! That soft shading of the background is beautiful.
    Regert prevention apps. Sounds like a good idea for emails…. and maybe blog posts. But then what fun could we have??

    1. I love these Queen Anne reeds, Don. Only discovered them last Fall, well past bloom, and they now have become a symbol of resilience and grace to me. Thanks!

  4. Really loving this style of photoblogging, tempted to give it a go,

    not sure about regret prevention though, sometimes saying exactly what you want to who you want to is exceedingly cathartic, why do we want to prevent it?

    1. Welcome, mental mist! Let me know if you give it a go! I agree that sometimes we need to talk directly but in the case of the IPHONE app, it is geared toward people who have had too many drinks. Drinking and truth telling? Nah. I’ll pass on that and wait till they’ve sobered up.

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