10 Replies to “Cheez-Its in the Can”

  1. What is the problem of amberfireinus with Pop Tarts? They are almost as good as Cheezy poofs. Also, having taken a good look at your garbage, I cannot help but notice that you drink water, and that’s VERY healthy.
    To make you feel better: I started the day with a huge latte and a bowl of Cocoa Puffs, finished the pack of Brussels cookies, had a few Planters Chocolate Lovers Cashews, dabbed into my new pot of Dulce de leche ice cream. I had guacamole, chips, and a coke for dinner… followed by more Dulce de Leche because I did not have a good taste the first time.
    Are you feeling better now?

  2. It is therefore very important to create a balance between exercise, rest and diet to stay healthy and fit. Exercising too much and eating too little will not do you any good so forget about reducing your food and fluid intake to reduce your body size and weight fast. You will get sick if you do that.

  3. Deliciously Inspiringly Edible Today is what I always say – rules are meant to be broken, I lose more weight off a diet than on for this very reason.

    I am gathering these things are crisps/chips?

  4. Tsk, tsk, tsk!

    If you’re going to blow your diet, at least do it with something that’s deliciously good for you.

    Sanity is right about diets in that they only fool your body into thinking that it’s starving and you’ll only end up bingeing.

    I don’t keep any junk food at home because my will-power is non-existent, but I do keep stock of fruit. I buy apples by the bag. Yep, they’re full of sugar but at least they’ve got some vitamins in them and they taste great.

  5. Um..Tysdaddy…Er….if I’d taken the photograph a couple of hours later? No, I’m kidding. I’m kidding.

    Thank you sweetiegirlz and welcome!!! I often eat by comparison: piece A is smaller than piece B, therefore I chose Piece B.

    Amber, dear! The cellophane is red and orange. Beautiful colors, I am sure you’ll agree. It fits so comfy in my purse when I travel by train. Color and Portability surely offset any “gross” factor, no? Crunchy delights like celery are too “noisy” for train travel, too. I have to be polite, now, don’t I?
    Besides, if you are the same woman who wrote this post, I know you can handle a friend who eats cheez-its:

    Nathaliewithanh: I have other beautiful looking friends, like you, who eat this same charming, nutritious menu but they can’t run through Paris on high heels photographing roller blade lovers! People, go to visit nathaliewithanh and Paris through her eyes, without stopping to finish this comment. She’ll have finished the Dulce de Leche by then as well: http://nathaliewithanh.wordpress.com

    Welcome, Jonathan. Thanks for the advice. Here’s what I’m taking away from reading your comment: I should rest more if I eat more, right?

    Sanity! A new South Africa project for you? What do tourists EAT in SA? Yes, these are crispy, tangy, crackers about as big as a postage stamp. Here’s the latest on transportation:

    Now, Razzman, don’t be “Tsk Tsk’ing” me! Not from someone who eats fire, no sir, I’m not taking any diet tips from you. At least I don’t set my hand on fire when I reach for a bag!! People, here it is, I make nothing up here at Single for a Reason:

  6. I would never recommend fire breathing to you Pat.

    Have you got any idea how many calories are in kerosene? The stuff is loaded. It’s much worse than pure lard, nevermind cheesy crackers! ;-)

    Another bad thing about kerosene is it’s taste. Ca-ca! :-P

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