Step by Step Dahlia: From Garden to Photo Transfer to Encaustic Back to Photo


Greetings!  I’m baaack with a short video on what I did to my favorite September flower: the dahlia.  A famous midwestern newspaperman in the 40’s said “Women should raise more hell and fewer dahlias” but, honestly, I think they are worth the time and effort!

And, speaking of “hell”, it took me forever to get comfortable with podcasting for my other blog, Art of the Diet.  But, finally, I’m into a weekly rhythm and no longer scare the neighbors with shrieking or require an ambulance and an EMT available outside my studio.

I’ve photographed all summer but this is the first photography tutorial I’ve done since June!

At any rate, it’s fitting that I return with a dahlia because next to double sugar tulips (they even look like dahlias) they are one of my favorites to photograph.

Hope your creative juices are flowing and do not require an ambulance on standby!

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