The Future


What better way to talk about the future than to look into the face of it.

A friend of mine told me recently,  ” I’d rather look at photos of your grand nieces and nephews than any of your trucks.”

Ouch.  I love me (It’s St. Patrick’s Day)  trucks, too, and I have a few images that shall be a part of my new series, ” The Future” to shed some headlights on the road ahead.

But, for now, I have to agree.  In times like these, there is something about looking into the face of the young that is not just a passive experience.

It is not a snapshot; it IS an experience of this world as much as the sickening economic swoons and spirals, political partisanship, charts and polls, concrete pots of greed  and talking nattering heads.

Fear grips the adult mind and quietly, unheralded, the spigot of spontaneity closes to only occasional drips.  Kids faces and voices increases the pressure in this clogged pipeline and in a click of the shutter, a nanosecond really, you feel the spigot opening wider, the particles of joy flowing out.

So, I begin this series with the face of joy, a part of my future, too–as long as  I keep it in my viewfinder.

©Pat Coakley 2009


6 Replies to “The Future”

  1. Sometimes the viewfinders of life tend to get foggy with reality, I still find finger painting walls breaks the ice a bit ah now I feel like getting all dirty I think its off to the playground for me with camera in hand and a hidden bottle of scotch! Beautiful post and incredible image of a little boy that is going to break hearts one day!

  2. A friend of mine told me recently, ” I’d rather look at photos of your grand nieces and nephews than any of your trucks.”

    Oh well, you can tell them that you know someone who has the opposite opinion. Nice shot, all the same though.

  3. A Camera and scotch sounds like the way to go, San!

    Razz, I’m going out today just to annoy him and come back with some doozy of a truck! Stay tuned and thanks!

  4. You can shoot it all. Trucks, trees, trains, toothpaste tubes, luminous, trusting eyes of a grand nephew.
    Grand theft seems to be the other option for ones’ focus as the news makes you implode with anger.

  5. Bonnie, we have to figure out a way to eliminate the news from our lives without knowing we are doing it. Maybe this is why I loved your last painting so much. The musician is so transported!

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