The Migraine Challenge


Recently, I suggested to someone whose avatar looks like Magnum P.I. that he try to focus creatively on old pain in order to deal with current turmoil.  I believe in creativity as some believe in God.  So, I suggested he photograph an image that would demonstrate what having a migraine feels like.  I have some history of them myself.

He had his first migraine on a Thanksgiving Day 12 years ago.

I took a stab at how he described it in his post.  But, it looks too beautiful, I think, to stand on its own.  So, I thought, why not throw this out as layer one and perhaps he can layer it up with nausea and some of the other charming attributes of the migraine complex.

Are you up for it, grumpy?

Anyone else wanna jump in to migraine photo challenge?

(If you want me to send you this image separately, email me what size you want.)

©Pat Coakley 2008


7 Replies to “The Migraine Challenge”

  1. That’s a great way to fight the bad stuff Pat. I’m an Agnostic… so I look for other ways to try to get myself together.

    Well… I didn’t have anything scanned that may be appropriate for a migraine… (which are awful I know). But I can share something philosophical:

  2. The most creative way to slog through a migraine is deciding how dark the blindfold over your eyes can be and still keep out the light.
    But this photo is like the screaming frisson of nerve endings that couldn’t be corralled under lead.


  3. Amber: I most happily will be toast! I look forward to your image.

    Pomeroy: Um…are you still thinking on this philosophical gem? Or, did it just get cut off?

    Bon Bon! There is the screaming frisson of nerve endings, it is true. But, this image just looks a little too exciting to me. As if the migraine had pleasurable, if excessive, moments. That has not been my experience! You, too, get them??

  4. This whole idea is making me a little fuzzy in the head. I don’t taunt my migraines and I hope they leave me alone for as long as possible.

    Send me a copy of this image, whatever size, and I’ll see what I can do…

  5. My mom used to get migraines so bad she couldn’t function for a couple days afterwards. They suck, I hear, as I’ve never had one.

    Great picture, my creativity-blessed comrade . . .

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