The O Train


Passing by The “O” Train on my way to DC.

This is the fourth in my series called “Driving to the Inaugural.”   I am driving from my computer with the assistance of memory and past images and television and internet. Triple A doesn’t have road service for this journey even though I have a premium membership.  Here are the others in the series:

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

©Pat Coakley 2009


16 Replies to “The O Train”

  1. check out this site about wild horses. One of the horses, Justice, that she had photographed before is now going to be this inaugural parade. Pretty cool huh?

  2. I was fumbling in the back seat to hand you an almond butter and mango jam sandwich and dropped it when I saw how far you had driven us and what waited outside the passenger window! It was worth it, wasn’t it?
    And wouldn’t you know, it fell Jelly side UP!!!

    I’ve been in and will continue to be possessing a state of goosebumpery for the past several days. Tuesday, I think, will see a rise in the Kleenex tissue corporation.

    Great, extra great series in this Pat. Thank You.

    PS- Our Local high school Jazz band just got the last of their donations to bring the entire Jazz band to march in the procession. The kids are ” jazzed “!

  3. Cheyanne, Do you mean your site or another. I went to yours but didn’t see the horse. Where is it?

    Bonnie, jelley side up? No problem. Goosebumpy is a good description. This HBO filmed concert at the Lincoln Memorial just about did me in. I may need intravenous fluids. Plus, photographing the screen in swoops and swoons like some sort of bird flying by. Seriously, I am a nut case.

  4. Hi, Pat–
    I’m going!! I spent a lot of time hemming and hawing and today I finally just put myself on a bus and now I’m set up at my mom’s house in Maryland, and Tuesday I’ll be heading into town with the masses! I love your driving to the inaugural series. This is such a great idea. And see, I was a little sad about traveling alone, but I’m not, am I? You’re right here with me!

  5. O, Stacie! You’ll never regret it. Never! I do feel right there with you, I really do. Thanks for letting me know. Makes my smile even broader, if that is humanely possible.

  6. ha, looks like somebody here had a vip invitation to the inaugural.
    you can do amazing things with the images.. By the way, your car is the tidiest car I have ever seen.

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